« Dans la vie, il n’y a pas de solutions. Il y a des forces en marche: il faut les créer, et les solutions suivent.«  Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Brand New Life
Coaching de Vie & Médiation

your success

Find out for sure whether you’re in the right career. Is your dissatisfaction a passing phase or is it a sign it’s time to move on?


On the professional scene, many times we may not feel we have the support we need during difficult times. Achieving professional goals can be difficult and stressful.

MAKE YOUR PASSION COME TRUEFind your ideal career

Are you stuck in a job you don’t enjoy? Not sure which career direction to take? If you want to have a job you are passionate about, well, you can!

OUR FREE CAREER TOOLSPlan for your success

Find out for sure whether you’re in the right career. Is your dissatisfaction a passing phase or is it a sign it’s time to move on?

WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG POINTS?Put it into perspective

On the professional scene, many times we may not feel we have the support we need during difficult times. Achieving professional goals can be difficult and stressful.

Médiation ProfessionnelleReprenez la main sur l'Issue du conflit

Afin de résoudre n'importe quel conflit, il faut établir un cadre favorable. Sans ce cadre, il est difficile de parvenir à une issue consensuelle favorisée inévitablement sur la base étique du dialogue.

Formules MédiationVers une solution pérenne

Ce cadre que je vous propose pour obtenir des résultats significatifs est basé sur un processus structuré ayant pour but d’explorer et désamorcer les nœuds propres au conflit existant.

# Il n'est pas trop tard !!!

Coaching de VieAccompagnement au Changement

Un espace adéquat pour guérir des cicatrices du passé, se construire intérieurement, faire progresser sa vision de soi, ses capacités, affirmer son identité => Passerelle vers un nouveau

Formules CoachingFaîtes votre choix !

Il est question ici de s’imprégner de votre future Leitmotiv : Le Meilleur est "Avenir" !
Vous battre encore et encore pour un avenir meilleur est tout l’enjeu de ce présent Coaching adapté à vos réels besoins.

Career you’re passionate
about is there for you

Whether your focus is on determining career direction, conducting a job search or improving work performance, you will have access to one of our expert career consultants and career tools.

Career you’re passionate about is there for you

Whether your focus is on determining career direction, conducting a job search or improving work performance, you will have access to one of our expert career consultants and career tools.
Career coaching
When it comes to your career management, having a professional career coach at your side is a key element to your support system.
The right career assessment and expert interpretation will provide you with invaluable insight into who you are and your next move.
Resume services
Be confident that your resume is flawless, your best shines through, and hiring managers will take notice.
Interview coaching
Prepare with strategy and practice so you are ready for anything, present the best you, and stand out in the crowd.
Providing the best career coaching services has always been the idea behind the Celeste project

Managing Director

    The best investment you
    can make is in yourself

    You may be wondering, 'Is career coaching right for me?' or 'Should I invest in a career coach?' On one hand coaching seems expensive but, on the other, it can be life changing.
    0123456789001234567890                     %
    Success for all
    clients so far
    012345678900123456789001234567890                     +
    Clients consulted
    in total
    0123456789001234567890                     +
    Certificates and
    awards globally
    0123456789001234567890                     +
    Years of coaching
    0123456789001234567890                     %
    Success for all
    clients so far
    012345678900123456789001234567890                     +
    Clients consulted
    in total
    0123456789001234567890                     +
    Certificates and
    awards globally
    0123456789001234567890                     +
    Years of coaching

    It's time to dream big
    and discover your calling

    Look to the next step in your career and set you up for success, whether that is in a few weeks or a few years. We help you learn to overcome obstacles and achieve your vision.

    The knowledge you gain is priceless…the results are spot on accurate. Worth every penny.



    I wish I’d have known of her services upon leaving college. I would have spent much less time in a professional funk!



    Your advice led me to where I am today…This is absolutely the job I’ve been looking for my entire career!



    Within one month I got the job of my dreams in business development with a Fortune 100 company.


    Discover, apply, choose

    When it comes to your career management, having a professional career coach at your side is a key element to your support system. Our newsletter will keep you up to date and will guide you through choosing your career.

      A bright career with
      our simple programme

      Are you stuck in a job you don’t enjoy? Not sure which career direction to take? If you want to have a job you are passionate about, the good news is you can! Find your dream job using our proven, comprehensive 6 step program.

      A bright career with our simple programme

      Are you stuck in a job you don’t enjoy? Not sure which career direction to take? If you want to have a job you are passionate about, the good news is you can! Find your dream job using our proven, comprehensive 6 step program.
      STEP 1Goal setting
      Establish your short-term and long-term career goals and a forward-looking career road map.
      STEP 2Explore
      Help you understand yourself, what is important to you and monitor how changes in your interests, skills relate to your career.
      STEP 3Discover
      Learn about different careers, understand the components and requirements to make a final decision.
      STEP 4Action Plan
      Create a tactical plan to get you from where you are today to where you want to be. We help fine-tune your plans.

      Nathanaël DUFAIT

      Coach de vie & Médiateur Professionnel, spécialisé dans le Développement Personnel et l’Entente dans les Relations Interpersonnelles ...
      Amoureux de la nature, je me suis laissé forgé par elle . On dit souvent qu'elle est bien faite et je valide complètement car il y a tant de leçons que celle-ci nous enseigne : Elle renaît continuellement de ses cendres, Après la pluie le beau temps, Tout a été créé, rien ne se perd mais tout se transforme pour sa propre subsistance, A chaque jour suffit sa peine car seule l'ESPOIR demeure. Pour ne citer que ceux là, la plus grande d'entre elles reste et restera celle-ci : Les lois de l'Univers sont inviolable et plus tu y seras sensible et en accord avec celles-ci, plus tu seras HEUREUX dans toutes tes voies !

      Team serving you
      to forward your career

      Our methodology differentiates us from other career coaching firms and ensures clients receive unsurpassed service at all stages of their career.


      Michael combines her over 30+ year’s corporate experience with his solid bottom line coaching approach to career solutions.

      CAREER COACHEmma Symmonds

      Emma knows that tackling one’s own resume can be a challenge, simply because it can be difficult to view your own experience with unbiased eyes.


      Brad has over 25 years experience in writing job descriptions, evaluations, and awards for all fields, levels of work experience, and employment.
      Starter Consultation
      Includes our Ideal Career and Job Search Workbooks, over 200 pages detailing our complete coaching program and strategy
      • Only for 1st time clients to test drive coaching
      • Individualized attention on your career direction
      • Specific advice tailored to your situation
      • Resume critique from our resume expert
      Twice a month one-on-one 55 minute sessions with one of our coaches on career direction, job search or work performance
      • Coach accessible between calls for feedback
      • Resume critique from our resume expert
      • Includes our career and job search workbook
      • No minimum monthly commitment
      Three times a month one-on-one 55 minute sessions with one of our career coaches on career direction, job search or work performance
      • Coach accessible between calls for feedback
      • Resume critique from our resume expert
      • Includes all workbooks and CV templates
      • No minimum monthly commitment

      Latest news

      Read our latest blog posts and find out how can you change or improve your career immediately.
      En situation de conflit
      En situation de conflit
      En situation de conflit, elle est dotée d’un processus structuré au cours duquel un tiers indépendant, impartial, neutre et tenu à la confidentialité, accompagne les parties en litige pour qu’elles trouvent elles-mêmes, librement, la meilleure solution au différend qui les oppose.
      L’événement mondial de la profession de médiateur
      Rencontrez des médiateurs professionnels. Participez à des ateliers pour vous initier à la médiation professionnelle et à découvrir les fondamentaux de l’ingénierie relationnelle.
      En situation de conflit
      En situation de conflit
      En situation de conflit, elle est dotée d’un processus structuré au cours duquel un tiers indépendant, impartial, neutre et tenu à la confidentialité, accompagne les parties en litige pour qu’elles trouvent elles-mêmes, librement, la meilleure solution au différend qui les oppose.

      Everyone deserves a rewarding career!

      Achieving your career goals can lead to positive changes in all areas of your life. Coaching empowers and educates you on how to take charge of your career and achieve the success you’ve dreamed of.

      When can you visit?

      How to get in touch?